As a Member or Sponsor

Become a Member
JCGA Membership $ 25.00
Daily Stall Fee $ 10.00
Yearly Stall Fee $125.00
Pavillion Reserved Fee $50.00 Grass Reserved Fee $25.00
Membership is easy - just follow these steps:
1. Download the two page application PDF above or click Membership Application here.
2. Print the form and fill it out.
3. Bring the form to the Marianna City Farmers' Market on a Saturday before noon. See Tony Mayo or Karen Chumley with your application.
4. The selling of some goods requires a license so please see the links below to ensure you are properly licensed.
5. Once we receive your application we will review it and let you know if you've been approved.

Interested in being a Sponsor?
Sponsor Fees:
Spring/Summer $175.00 Fall/End Of Year $ 75.00
Sponsorship of the Marianna City Farmers' Market is a great way to promote your business! We have hundreds of people attend our Farmers' Market each week and your business can advertise on a banner for all our visitors to see!
We will also provide a link to your website from ours, just provide a photo and we'll create a link!
For more information on Sponsorship opportunities please email:
Someone will get right back to you!
FAQ's & Infomation
1 /What Permits, Licenses or Certifications do I need?
That depends on what you're selling....a good place to start is
If you sell potted plants with roots and soil you will need a Nursery Certification, application can be found at
If you sell eggs, you will need a Limited Poultry and Egg Permit, information can be found at
This blog gives you a condensed version of egg selling requirements:
If you sell microgreens you may or may not need a License, depending on what you intend to do with them. More info can be found at
2 /How much does Membership Cost?
For Market Food/Farmer Vendors you need to be a member of the Jackson County Grower's Association OR for Artisans, you will need to be a member of the Panhandle Artists & Crafters.
Fees follow:
JCGA Membership $25.00
Daily Stall Fee $ 10.00
Yearly Stall Fee $125.00
Pavillion Reserved Fee $50.00
Grass Reserved Fee $25.00
For example: If you join mid or later in the year, your fee is $25 JCGA membership + $10 each time you set up + you need to meet any requirements/licenses for the products you wish to sell, SEE #1 above. If you were to meet requirements and set up 10x, you would pay $100 +$25 membership fee for a total of $125.
If you join towards beginning of the year, the yearly stall fee is $125 + $25 membership for $150 and you can set up every week, 52 weeks a year.
If you want a reserved grass space, so you get the same space every week on the lawn, that is an additional $25 on top of the Membership and Yearly Stall Fee so the total is $125 + $25 membership fee +$25 Reserved Grass for a total of $175.
If at the beginning of the year there is a Pavillion space available you could pay for a resesrved pavillion spot and that total cost is $200. However this might not be an option unless a spot under the pavillion becomes available.
3 / What can be sold?
Allowed items to be sold include all fruits and vegetables grown by you and or your immediate family in Florida or within fifty miles of Marianna if out of state. Also cut flowers, herbs, and other plants without roots/soil.
4/ What about Cottage Food?
Florida law allows individuals to use their unlicensed home kitchens to produce for sale certain foods that present a low risk of foodborne illness. Cottage food operators can produce and sell these products directly to consumers without obtaining a food permit from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Gross sales for a cottage food operation must not exceed $250,000 annually.
For infomation see
and click Cottage Food Guidance which lays out all the do's and dont's for you.
Here's a detailed guide to labeling and requirements: Cottage Food Operations